3 types of volunteer trail builders

There are three types of trail builders who play crucial roles in your community at the present time. Dig !t provides 3 different levels of functionality to facilitate the actions of your volunteer trail builders.


Event Organzier
  • Be appointed LEADER.
  • Post + Organize trail building events.
  • Take attendance.
  • Drive your community forward.


Community Manager
  • Demonstrate your current leadership.
  • Open a Dig !t Chapter.
  • Establish Dig !t in your community.
  • Monitor operations & facilitate management.

Volunteer trail builders are the backbone of trail networks.

All over the world, the importance of volunteer contributions helps to ensure the sustainability of trail networks, and to maintain, expand and protect these green infrastructures, which are so prized by members of our communities (walkers/runners and cyclists). According to a 2023-24 survey of 25 organizations in Quebec, initial analyses show that volunteers had maintained 56% of the trails listed under the Alliance (compared with 44% for salaried employees/private companies) and had created 51% of new trails (compared with 49% for salaried employees/private companies).

For users

Trail networks benefit directly to the health of their users (residents and tourists alike). They provide privileged access to ever more scarce green spaces. The opportunity to access a wide range of safe and protected areas that showcase unique geological features are major assets for any community in any part of the world. Having volunteers care for these sacred lands is a true blessing : Dig It ensures, enhances and will perpetuate this effort.

For different industries

Innumerable businesses and industries use trails to thrive. On a global scale, without the important volunteer contribution that ensures the sustainability of trails, these industries would not be able to benefit from so many exceptional trails. Dig !t wants to establish a connection between the various industries and the volunteer movement, in order to build a healthy relationship and a social economy that will benefit both parties.

For future generations

In this era of urban expansion, volunteer trail builders protect increasingly green spaces and responsibly & sustainably develop trails that contribute to our collective well-being. These actions enable public and private bodies to offer their citizens and customers diversified access. Without volunteer involvement, the quantity and quality of green infrastructures will only diminish in the years to come.


Chapters in Operation

These organizations, which have become Chapters of the Dig !t Volunteer Trailbuilder Alliance, choose to promote community involvement and facilitate the internal management of their organizations.

Community Contribution

Based on the number of hours of volunteering, Dig !t wants to digitize the efforts of volunteers in order to make the invisible power of their actions visible to all stakeholders. Leveraging our expertise in volunteer management, our ability to create a strong sense of belonging and by harnessing data, Dig !t offers integrated solutions to facilitate volunteer trail builders management and helps maintain their motivation and community involvement for years to come.

Advantages of the Dig !t app

Version 2.3 of the app feature 3 profile types and a basic variety of functions, which will be all enhanced in spring 2025 with the release of App V3.0.

  • A TEAMMATE can edit his profile (and also his siblings), view and register for events, see his annual and lifetime hours of involvement, view his history and prize list.
  • A LEADER can create trailbuilding events, take attendance at them and be appointed co-leader by another manager.
  • A CHAPTER OPERATOR can edit profiles, appoint the LEADERS, manually add hours, create/consult/edit events, while overseeing the use of the Dig !t platform for his chapter.

MVP 2.3 web app

In 2024, 24 communities joined the Alliance, rallying volunteer troops behind a common project. Through out the season, several new features were added to the MVP 2.0 web app. We are looking for V3.0, dropping Spring 2025.

BETA USER CREW _ Fall '23 @ Spring '25

Dig !t is registered as an NPO in Quebec. The Alliance will continue to provide its services free of charge for the rest of 2024.
In 2025, with the official launch of App 3.0 (English-language deployment outside Quebec), Chapters will be required to pay an annual sub-license fee of 275 $CAD before March 1st, 2025 (375 $CAD before April 1st, 2025 and 475 $CAD later on).

Trail Builder Resources

These straightforward information sections are relevant for any organization wishing to optimize its actions, as well as for any Trail builder wishing to become more efficient during his sessions in the forest.

Dig !t Trailbuilders doesn't claim to know all the secrets of trail building. A local TEAMMATE knows the landscape and natural resources of his or her community better than anyone else. By sharing experiences and networking, we can all learn a little more about the techniques used elsewhere, and then use them at home.

Don't be afraid to show up at a dig event in another community other than your own, especially while on vacation. During this community immersion, you'll meet other enthusiasts, other kind of geological features and a variety of new knowledge and techniques to experiment with.

As an added bonus, you'll have access to the “ insider information ” of the locals, so you can find out about the best hidden swimming spot, the best local brewery, or the perfect place to park your van without disturbing anyone else. Your positive attitude may lead you to ride with a local in his hidden trails, the very next morning...


More questions? More answers can be found here...

I supervise field operations for a private resort. A few volunteers help out from time to time, but the employees do most of the work in the forest. Can I open a Chapter for our private resort?
Obviously, Dig !t favors trail volunteering, regardless of a community's ecosystem. An employee can become a Chapter Operator for his center and use Dig !t only for volunteers. An employee can use their LEADER profile (if they volunteer from time to time) or create a STAFF profile. The latter will create the event and take attendance at the end of the chore. In such a case, it is essential not to add the names of employees supervising the volunteer action. Integrity on the behalf of the Chapter Operator and salaried LEADERS or STAFF is an important cornerstone of the Dig !t concept.
Despite their good intentions, some of the volunteers who come and go around our center can complicate our operations. How can we involve them effectively?
A salaried manager should encourage, organize and supervise volunteer activities during working hours. When volunteers are well trained and supervised from the very beginning, they quickly become self-sufficient. At that point, these enthusiasts will enhance your center's offering, greatly improving the quality of your trails. Volunteers hike for passion and pleasure, which enables them to create and maintain exceptional trails. In the medium and long term, the cost of supervising them is low, compared to the added value they create in your network.
Someone in my community is developing a trail without the written consent of the landowner.
Does this “undercover” have the right to declare his hours on Dig !t?
No. At no time will Dig !t endorse “undercover” trail building activities, which encourage the development of unsanctioned trails and potential legal problems. CHAPTER OPERATORS have a duty to regulate the actions of these clandestine trail builders, who will sooner or later damage the current climate in a community.
I've created my profile and I can't find my chapter on the app. Dig !t.
How do I find it?
Your local community organization has probably never heard of the Dig !t Alliance. Talk to the people in charge of trail maintenance and development in your area about Dig !t. They'll inevitably be interested in knowing more, and who knows, inclined to open a Chapter in good standing.

Stay informed!

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